Success Stories

Regaining Mobility After an MS Diagnosis
Her Story
It wasn’t long after Becky was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) before the symptoms of the disease–mobility limitations, falls, and foot drop–began worsening quickly. As an employee in a busy law firm, Becky struggled to keep up with the pace of her office. A rigid ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) provided some support, but Becky still fell a few times at work and began using a cane for balance.
In January 2022, Becky’s situation reached a crisis. Stepping out of the shower one morning, she realized that she could not walk. She fell and ended up in the hospital for a stay that, due partly to a COVID infection, lasted more than three weeks.
Her Solution
Finding the Right Solution
Becky began physical therapy while hospitalized and continued after she was discharged. During a follow-up healthcare visit, her neurologist suggested that the L300 Go Foot Drop System might help her mobility
Becky made an appointment to try the L300 Go and, after putting on the device, could walk more easily than she had in years! Becky still uses a cane sometimes, but the L300 Go has made a huge difference for her.
Her Next Steps
Pushing Forward
MS has affected virtually every aspect of Becky’s life, and yet it does not hold her back. Despite the time needed to get ready in the morning, and the unlikelihood that she will return to work, she stays active at home.
Since Becky started using the L300 Go, others have seen a difference, too. Her husband and daughter have noticed a vast improvement in her mobility, and her mother-in-law calls Becky a “rock star” for all her efforts to stay well and enjoy life.
See more Success Stories
See how the L300 Go has changed other patients’ lives. Check out their success stories.
Contact us to schedule a demo with L300 Go or if you have questions about other Bioness Medical, Inc. products.
Indication for Use: The L300 Go System is intended to provide ankle dorsiflexion in adult and pediatric individuals with foot drop and/or to assist knee flexion or extension in adult individuals with muscle weakness related to upper motor neuron disease/injury (e.g., stroke, damage to pathways to the spinal cord). The L300 Go System electrically stimulates muscles in the affected leg to provide ankle dorsiflexion of the foot and/or knee flexion or extension; thus, it also may improve the individual’s gait.
The L300 Go System may also facilitate muscle re-education, prevent/retard disuse atrophy, maintain or increase joint range of motion, and increase local blood flow.
L300 Go is is contraindicated in patients with a demand-type cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator or any electrical implant. Do not use the system on a leg where metallic implant is directly underneath the electrodes, a cancerous lesion is present or suspected, or on a leg with regional disorder (e.g., fracture or dislocation) which could be adversely affected by motion from the stimulation. Use caution in patients with diagnosed or suspected cardiac problems or epilepsy. Full prescribing information can be found in product labeling or at: