Success Stories

After Suffering a Brain Injury, Mina Remains Unstoppable
Her Story
Everything was going right for Mina. She was in graduate school to pursue her dream of becoming a social worker, and she was in an internship that she loved. Then, the unimaginable happened: In early 2019, she was involved in a car accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and partial paralysis affecting the right side of her body. After more than a month in the hospital, Mina began intense physical and occupational therapy. Even after improving enough to go home she still was barely able to stand up or walk.
Her Solution
Finding Support
As Mina’s right side is weaker than her left, her occupational therapist recommended the H200 Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System. Since starting to use the device in June 2022, she has been able to strengthen her right hand and rely less on her left hand.
Around the same time, Mina started using the L300 Go Foot Drop System. The L300 Go played a key part in helping her pass an important threshold test: safely walking outdoors with only a cane for additional assistance. The L300 Go has also helped Mina achieve other milestones, such as lifting her right foot when she walks and strengthening her right leg.
Her Next Steps
Making Progress
In a testament to her unbreakable spirit, Mina has completed her master’s degree and still wants to become a licensed clinical social worker someday. For now, however, her focus is on recovering from her injuries.
Mina and her therapists have ambitious—yet achievable—goals, such as restoring her right hand’s strength and dexterity. She has already made progress and can now type with her right hand.
See more Success Stories
See how the H200 Wireless Hand Rehabilitation System has changed other patients’ lives. Check out their success stories.
Contact us to schedule a demo with H200 Wireless or if you have questions about other Bioness products.
Indication for Use
The H200 Wireless System is an electrical stimulation device indicated for the following uses:
- Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
Improvement of hand function and active range of motion in patients with hemiplegia due to stroke or upper limb paralysis due to C5 spinal cord injury. - NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
Maintenance and/or increase of hand range of motion; prevention and/or retardation of disuse atrophy; increase in local blood circulation; reduction of muscle spasm; re-education of muscles.
Full prescribing information can be found in product labeling or at: