Success Stories


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After a Stroke, Sammie Stays Focused on Her Recovery and Resilience

Her Story

An outdoor enthusiast, Sammie has always had plenty of energy, willpower, and zest. That didn’t change even after she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke in 2018. The stroke weakened her left side and affected her balance.

As a registered nurse who has worked with stroke patients, Sammie has seen the long-term effects of stroke. Rather than discouraging her, however, those experiences motivated Sammie.

Her Solution

The Journey Begins

Sammie began her rehabilitation at an inpatient care facility. There, she worked daily to master activities most people take for granted, such as getting out of bed and walking across a room.

Eventually, she moved to outpatient therapy, where she was introduced to the L300 Go to help correct her foot drop and thigh weakness. The device supported her as she relearned how to move on her own and achieve her other physical therapy goals. By 2021, Sammie was able to walk with only the L300 Go for assistance.

Her Next Steps

On Task and on the Slopes

As she made strides in her recovery, Sammie discovered a program that provides winter sports opportunities for people with disabilities. So, she signed up for a trip to Breckenridge, Colorado, where she skied with her L300 Go for the first time—and was soon comfortable enough to move to the advanced slopes!

Since then, Sammie has also gotten a special bike* that lets her enjoy the ocean views near her home. With her customary ambition, she has set her next goal: to put on the L300 Go and climb Mount Elbert, the highest point in Colorado.

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Learn More

See how the L300 Go has changed other patients’ lives. Check out their success stories.

Contact us to schedule a demo with L300 Go or if you have questions about other Bioness products.

Indication for Use: The L300 Go System is intended to provide ankle dorsiflexion in adult and pediatric individuals with foot drop and/or to assist knee flexion or extension in adult individuals with muscle weakness related to upper motor neuron disease/injury (e.g., stroke, damage to pathways to the spinal cord). The L300 Go System electrically stimulates muscles in the affected leg to provide ankle dorsiflexion of the foot and/or knee flexion or extension; thus, it also may improve the individual’s gait.

The L300 Go System may also facilitate muscle re-education, prevent/retard disuse atrophy, maintain or increase joint range of motion, and increase local blood flow.

L300 Go is is contraindicated in patients with a demand-type cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator or any electrical implant. Do not use the system on a leg where metallic implant is directly underneath the electrodes, a cancerous lesion is present or suspected, or on a leg with regional disorder (e.g., fracture or dislocation) which could be adversely affected by motion from the stimulation. Use caution in patients with diagnosed or suspected cardiac problems or epilepsy. Full prescribing information can be found in product labeling or at: